COVID-19 has evolved, and we want to provide the best guidance for our students, staff, 和教师保持安全,并提供一个最佳的学习和工作环境. We have referred to the CDC for guidance; please see our policies and recommendations below.
Be aware that clinical sites off campus, 以及校园健康科学中心的临床空间, 可能有更强的政策和要求,适合提供保健服务. 如果这些要求是实现教育或个人健康成果所必需的,学生或雇员个人有义务遵守这些要求.
Vaccination/Booster Policy
At this time, 并可能因未来的公共卫生警报而发生变化, 布法罗大学的学生或员工不需要接种COVID-19病毒疫苗. However, 为保护个人和公众健康,强烈建议随时更新疫苗接种和增强剂, per CDC guidelines.
Testing and Isolation Policies
- 目前,牛津大学不要求也不提供随机和定期的测试.
- For occurrences of symptoms of the virus, 强烈鼓励学生通过UB健康服务预约COVID快速检测, but walk-ins are accepted. 学生或雇员也可以通过当地诊所或药房获得测试.
- 检测呈阳性的学生或员工应隔离至少5天 CDC guidelines.
- 如果满足距离条件,住在宿舍的学生应在隔离期间回家(见下文)。.
- 住在宿舍的学生如果不能回家隔离,应联系学生办公室主任.
- 任何学生都有责任与导师和学生办公室主任协商,安排完成课程.
- 任何员工都有责任在与主管和人力资源办公室协商后安排工作中断或完成.
Close Contact (“Exposure”) Policies
- 任何被警告与COVID病毒密切接触(“暴露”)的人都应该谨慎行事,在他人周围戴上口罩10天,5天后进行检测, per CDC guidelines.
- 根据美国疾病控制与预防中心目前的指导方针,如果接触到这种病毒,不建议进行隔离.
Additional information for students
Vaccinated or unvaccinated 如果住所距离大学60英里或更短,COVID检测呈阳性的学生必须在家中隔离. 强烈建议住所在60英里半径以外的学生回家隔离, if they have means to do so.
如果学生出现COVID的任何迹象/症状,将在学生健康中心提供快速检测. However, 如果由于有症状的COVID阳性学生涌入的增加,卫生中心工作人员的安全面临风险, 我们将停止进行快速检测,并将学生转介到当地紧急护理中心进行检测.
学生健康中心将于周一至周五上午8:30提供检测.m.‑4:45 p.m. (again appointments are strongly encouraged). 如果您的COVID检测呈阳性,则在下班后或周末, please inform your residence hall RA or director, and send e-mail to , so you can receive instructions on what steps to take.
我们希望任何感染COVID-19或出现COVID-19症状的人都尊重他人的健康,不要参加面对面的课程, coming into close contact with others.
Student Health Services
60 Lafayette Street
Bridgeport, CT 06604
如果您的COVID-19检测呈阳性或出现症状,无论是否接种疫苗 | 如果您暴露于(小于6英尺超过15分钟),无论疫苗接种状况如何 |
* Precautions: 当你在家里或公共场合和其他人在一起时,戴上合适的口罩10天. Monitor for symptoms, do not travel (if warranted, take precautions), 避免和那些更容易因COVID- 19而生病的人在一起.
COVID-19: Campus health information and advice
虽然我们没有强制要求学生戴口罩,但你可以随时选择戴口罩. This is a higher education facility, we expect our students to be mindful, 在我们共同应对这场大流行的同时,尊重他们的同行. 我们的目标是取得学术上的成功,同时维护一个安全的大学校园. 如果您患严重疾病的风险增加,建议您随时佩戴口罩.
Best protection from Coronavirus?
- Handwashing. 经常用肥皂和水洗手至少20秒. CDC says handwashing is the best way to get rid of germs, stay healthy, and prevent the spread of germs to others. 洗手可以预防感冒和流感,还可以保护你免受食源性疾病的侵害.
- Hand sanitizer. While washing your hands properly is still very important, 洗手液可以让你在各种环境中保持双手清洁. As it turns out, 含酒精的洗手液能有效地杀死流感病毒和接触的感冒细菌.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- 咳嗽或打喷嚏时用纸巾捂住口鼻,以防止周围的人生病.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Practice other good health habits. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.
You are not required to get vaccinated, however we strongly encourage, 联邦卫生当局也希望大学社区的所有成员都能及时了解所推荐的疫苗和加强注射, according to the Centers for Disease Control guidelines.
许多当地药店免费提供COVID疫苗和增强剂,并提供保险. 我们在1-3英里外就有当地的药店,这使得预约和预约非常方便. You can make appointments online or call. Below are a few local pharmacies that offer the vaccines:
1000 Park Ave
Bridgeport, CT 06604
2610 E Main St
Bridgeport, CT 06610
Rite Aid
1060 E Main Street
Bridgeport, CT 06608
If you have any questions or concerns about COVID-19, please call Student Health Services at 203‑576‑4712. We are open Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 如果您出现COVID症状,请在学生健康中心佩戴口罩.